August 26, 2020
【Mi-Qi COLLECTION 20/21 bY Yi-ming and Disney 】VIRTUAL FASHION SHOW
【Mi-Qi COLLECTION 20/21 bY Yi-ming and Disney 】VIRTUAL FASHION SHOW
Yi-ming 和 迪士尼再次攜手合作,打造全新 “Mi-Qi COLLECTION 20/21” 時尚旗袍及童裝系列,我們破天荒以虛擬時裝Show形式來展示新一季的服飾,務求觀眾足不出戶也可看到一場Fashion Show 。除了Facebook,YouTube 用戶也可以在我們的YouTube Channel 同步收看
【Mi-Qi COLLECTION 20/21 bY Yi-ming and Disney 】VIRTUAL FASHION SHOW
Yi-ming and Disney jointly present the “Mi-Qi COLLECTION 20/21”A mix and match of Mickey Mouse and a new interpretation of the traditional Qi-Pao for kids and families.
Yi-ming and Disney jointly present the “Mi-Qi COLLECTION 20/21”A mix and match of Mickey Mouse and a new interpretation of the traditional Qi-Pao for kids and families.