旗袍的迷人與其意想不到的歷史 The Captivating (and Slightly Scandalous) History of the Cheongsam


How a Manchu Dress Became the Height of Chinese Fashion and Had The Hollywood Stars Swooning

如果你曾經看過一張 1950 年代明星穿著緊身高領中國服飾的魅力照片,那很可能就是著名的旗袍。但是這件迷人的服飾有一個比你想像中更加迷人(有時候還有些令人震驚)的歷史。

If you've ever seen a glamorous photo of a 1950s starlet draped in a form-fitting, high-collared Chinese dress, chances are you were looking at the iconic cheongsam. But this captivating garment has a far more fascinating history (and sometimes scandalous) than you might expect.


From Manchu Moms to Shanghai Charmer

The cheongsam, also known as the qipao, has its roots in the Manchu people of northeastern China during the Qing dynasty. These Manchu women wore a fitted, high-necked dress with a distinctive cross-over front closure. Imagine a medieval noblewoman's dress but with a lot more style and a lot less stuffy.


As the Qing dynasty fell and the Republic of China rose from the ashes, these Manchu "banner gowns" caught the eye of fashionable Han Chinese women, particularly in the cosmopolitan city of Shanghai. And boy, did they give the dress a makeover.


在 1920 年代和 30 年代,旗袍經歷了令人望而生畏的轉變,變得更加修身,更加性感。這件曾經相當樸素的滿族服飾突然間勾勒出上海最富魅力社交名媛的曲線。這是時尚的巔峰——也可能對那個時代來說有些太過於大膽了。

In the 1920s and 30s, the cheongsam underwent a jaw-dropping transformation, becoming sleeker, more form-fitting, and more alluring. Suddenly, this once-modest Manchu dress showed off the curves of Shanghai's most glamorous socialites. It was the height of fashion - and possibly a little scandalous for the time.


The Cheongsam's Hollywood Heyday

旗袍在 1940 年代和 50 年代達到了最高峰,成為了現代中國女性氣質的象徵。著名設計師們為城中上流社會定做了各種絕美的旗袍,或繁複的刺繡,或大膽的開衩。

The cheongsam reached the peak of its popularity in the 1940s and 50s when it became a symbol of modern Chinese femininity. Renowned designers dressed the city's elite in custom-made masterpieces, featuring everything from intricate embroidery to daring slits up the thigh.


And the cheongsam's fame extended far beyond the shores of China. Hollywood stars like Marilyn Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor were photographed flaunting the elegant dress, cementing their status as global fashion icons. Suddenly, everyone from Shanghai socialites to California starlets swooned over the cheongsam.


The Enduring Allure of the Cheongsam


Today, the cheongsam continues to captivate fashion lovers around the world. While its popularity has ebbed and flowed over the decades, this iconic dress remains a beloved symbol of Chinese heritage and style.


So next time you see a glamorous photo of a woman in a form-fitting Chinese dress, remember the centuries of fashion history and cultural exchange that led to that moment. The cheongsam may have started as a Manchu mom's dress, but it's become a timeless fashion statement with the power to turn heads.


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