新中式,古韻新茗的時尚蛻變 | Chinoiserie Style: The fashionable transformation of ancient elegance and modern sensibilities

當新中式邂逅詩意曼妙,知性色彩與精美工藝碰撞,用流動光澤勾畫優雅曲線;以東方美學詮釋浪漫,以古典韻味詮釋藝術。 曾經尚被定義為小眾風格「新中式」風格,近年來已在市場掀起一股風潮,荷葉袖旗袍、高領背心搭配馬面裙、甚至是將水墨國畫融入於衣衫之上... 

When the poetic and graceful Chinoiserie style meets, the intellectual colors and exquisite craftsmanship collide. Flowing luster is used to outline elegant curves; Eastern aesthetics interpret romance, and classical charm interprets art. Previously defined as a niche style, 'Chinoiserie Style' has in recent years sparked a trend in the market. Ruffled sleeve cheongsams, high-collar vests paired with horse-face skirts, and even incorporating traditional Chinese ink paintings into garments...

「新中式」(Chinoiserie)是由傳統中式服裝結合當下時尚潮流趨勢和審美演變而來的風格。 「新中式」風格多變且不一,其將傳統中國元素與現代化設計融合的特點卻始終如一,讓含蓄浪漫的東方美學隨之變得鮮活起來。

Chinoiserie style is a style that combines traditional Chinese clothing with the latest fashion trends and aesthetic evolutions. The 'Chinoiserie Style' is diverse and inconsistent, but its consistent feature is the fusion of traditional Chinese elements with modern design. This allows the reserved and romantic Eastern aesthetics to come alive.


'China has the great etiquette, hence called the 'Xia' (literally 'the brilliant'); it has the beauty of ceremonial attire, hence called the 'Hua' (literally 'the magnificent').' Whether it's the cheongsam, the Magua jacket, the horse-face skirt, or the curved hem, the unique charm of each period's attire embodies the deep cultural heritage of the Chinese nation over 5,000 years. The rise of the 'Chinoiserie Style' is a strong expression of the cultural identity and national pride of young people. It is an important source of cultural confidence and national confidence.



Inheritance does not mean stagnation, and innovation does not mean leaving the roots behind. Just as Yi-Ming has been dedicated to incorporating modern elements into traditional cheongsams and long robes, making them more accessible to the contemporary audience and indispensable fashion items for the new generation. Bringing traditional culture into close proximity with everyday life, stepping out of the museum display cases and marching into the vibrant modern lifestyle.

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