綻放璀璨耀人之美! Yi-Ming 榮幸參與 環球小姐香港區2024| Girls on Fire ! Yi-Ming is thrilled to be part of the Miss Universe Hong Kong 2024
Yi-Ming is thrilled to be part of the highly anticipated Miss Universe Hong Kong 2024 Contest.
Yi-Ming 榮幸受邀參與備受期待的香港區環球小姐2024 總決賽,該賽事經已在日前成功舉辦並圓滿地落下帷幕。
During the "Girls on Fire" segment, Yi-Ming showcased its unique designs, highlighting the graceful figures and elegant curves of all contestants while celebrating the beauty and cultural heritage of the traditional Chinese aesthetic embodied in the cheongsam.
在“Girls on Fire”環節中,Yi-Ming的獨特設計有幸被各佳麗展示上身,突顯所有參賽者的優雅身姿和曲線,並藉此推廣中國傳統美學——旗袍所體現的美麗和背後文化。
Congratulations to Joanne Rhodes (@joannejosephinerhodes) on being crowned Miss Universe Hong Kong 2024! We would also like to extend our congratulations to the first runner-up, Yan Kiu (@yankiux), and the second runner-up, Juliette Louie (@juliettelouie). JoJo (Joanne Rhodes) will continue her journey to Miss Universe 2024, and we wish her the very best in her upcoming endeavors in Mexico!
恭喜姚祖恩 JoJo(@joannejosephinerhodes)獲得2024環球小姐香港冠軍!我們也要向亞軍甄蕎 (@yankiux)和季軍 雷莊𠒇(@juliettelouie)表示祝賀。JoJo (姚祖恩)將前往墨西哥繼續她的2024環球小姐之旅。在此祝願她在未來的旅程中一切順利!